Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The revised edition of the WWII MEMORIAL: Jewel of the Mall has finally arrived. It is twenty eight pages larger with thicker paper and cover stock. It was a great luxury to go back through the 35,000 images from the original project and 30,000 more recent images from the past eight years since the Memorial opened. We selected new photos and tweaked old ones. The change to a horizontal format is more in keeping with the Memorial’s low profile and gives the book a “roomy” feel. The new WWII MEMORIAL: Jewel of the Mall also contains more in-depth coverage of the construction process and a sixteen-page section called “A Living Memorial” in which Honor Flight is featured.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


It's rumored that the British are paid extra "tropical" pay for working in DC and today, you might very well believe that. It was 96 degrees at 10AM and the haze was on the water in front of the Jefferson. The Plaza of the WWII Memorial was also "cooking" but as usual Senator Dole and Honor Flight were on time.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Memorial Day

The WWII Memorial opened four years ago on Memorial Day and has quickly become the most popular Memorial in Washington. It is airy, open, refreshing and easy on the eyes. I photographed all over the Mall yesterday but this was the first photo of the day and my major interest and obsession. I've had the opportunity to meet and appreciate some really fine people beginning with my favorite general,

I am inspired by BG. Evelyn "Pat" Foote (GoGurl!) who was on the original site selection committee for the Memorial and is a co-founder of the "Friends of the WWII Memorial" group. She is an enthusiastic advocate for women's rights, integrity in military service and general good will to the community. She is also one of the few people I chose to put in my book along with Toby Felker, a pioneering woman delivery pilot during WWII. She passed last year but thoughts of tiny Toby behind the controls of a B-52 and her adventures as she delivered planes around the country will be much missed.

Shown here with her are Jan Evans Houser, Ambassador F. Haydn Williams, Rolland Kidder and Peggy O'Dell of the Park Servicew. They are all founders of ""Friends of the WWII Memorial". Friends was started to make sure that the Memorial is taken care of. There are twenty million dollars left from the construction in a maintainence fund.

They held a small ceremony yesterday AM. Naturally, no day in Washington is complete without Senator Bob Dole . He is everywhere and if there is an example of the "greatest generation", he's it. I see him on Wednesdays and Saturdays as he visits the Memorial whenever an Honor Flight comes in. And speaking of new friends,let me mention Earl Morse, Jeff Miller, Susan Barr, Al Bailey, Dave Bauer, Jim McLaughlin, Mom and Dad Morse and the countless volunteers with Honor Flight who give their time and energy so enthusiastically to our WWII Veterans. Images from Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetary, the Korean Memorial, and the DC National Memorial Day parade can be seen here.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Chief Adjutant Joseph W. Palagyi of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, has joined Honor Flight in adopting "Jewel of the Mall" for his organization. The book will be distributed through their physical store in Northern Va and their website which is listed above. The Order of the Purple Heart works with veterans in the VA hospital helping them with their claims and the bureaucracy. The book is being sold to MOPH at cost enabling them to use it for mementos or to fund raise.


Honor Flight is an organization curently in 24 states that is sending WWII veterans to DC to see their Memorial. In 2007, Earl Morse and Jeff Miller sent 5000 vets for FREE to DC and this year are planning on getting 10000 vets to the Memorial. If you wish to make a donation or get involved, the link is above. Images from the various flights can be seen at www.jewelofthemall.com

The planes filled with Veterans are greeted by fire trucks as they arrive at the airport, crowds cheer as they deplane and the DC and National Park Police give them a motorcycle escort. On Saturdays, Senator Dole, the "unofficial greeter" is always there to shake hands, have photographs taken with him and say hello. When the veterans arrive home, they are given a copy of my book "Jewel of the Mall." As an author, I can say that I have found my audience and its gratifying. If you are a non-profit working with veterans and interested in significant discounts on the books, call the studio at 202-667-1965 or email me at srb@srbphoto.com

Saturday, March 8, 2008

National Park Traveler Reviews Book

Bob Janiskee of National Park Traveler did an excellent review of my "Jewel of the Mall" book.

To quote: ..."This is a powerful book. It will please your eye and bring your patriotic juices to boil. One caveat: If you have fancied yourself a fair photographer, paging through this book may make you want to take your camera out of the case and throw it away.

I’m not sure how many photo books of the World War II Memorial you think you need, but if you can only get one, this should be it."....

thanks Bob

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Introduction by Senator Robert Dole,
Photographs by ©Stephen R. Brown 2003/4/5.
The book is Softcover and (8 l/2" x 11" -90 pages).
Retail price of $24.95
ISBN Number: 0-9766150-0-2
WWII Memorial: Jewel of the Mall is a 90 page full-color photographic book on the WWII Memorial with an introduction by Senator Robert Dole and photographs by renowned photographer Stephen R. Brown. The photographs are exclusive never-to-be duplicated images as Stephen R. Brown had access to the site and cranes as the Memorial was built. Panoramic scenes of the new face of the Mall comprise seventy-five pages of the book while the other fifteen are a documentary of the creation and installation of the sculpture and Marble ornamentation that is part of this new memorial.